Thursday, July 06, 2006

On Saturday night, July 1, we went out for dinner with friends. Later that evening, Clinton and I went for a long walk around the neighborhood and out onto North Roosevelt. We then started watching movies at home.
At about 2 am, we were watching Eight-Legged Freaks, and I decided it was stupid. So, I rolled over and went to sleep. At that very moment, my water broke. There was no mistaking this! It was like a 2-liter bottle of soda was uncapped inside me and wash pouring out quickly. I was concerned for weeks up to that point that I wouldn'y know whether or not my water broke, but there was no mistaking it. I am in fact glad it happened at home and not out in public.
We went to the hospital, when I stood up getting out of the car, there was another gusher that leaked its way into my shoes! I then had to walk into the hospital like that. At least no explanation was necessary! Because my contractions were so far apart, I was sent home.
This actually worked out well, as I needed to flat iron my hair, and really didn't want all of my pictures to be with frizzy hair. We went back to the hospital at 5:30 when conditions at home began to go down hill quickly. It went from labor watch to warning!
Once at the hospital, I started debating the epidural the first time the contraction was so strong that my foot started to fold in half. I was scared of the needle, the IV, an dthe cathiter, but the thought of these contractions getting stronger and more frequent was more than I could fathom at that point. Not to mention, indefinite timing. So, the epidural and all of the dreaded things to go wth it appeared to be the lesser of the evils.
While the epidural was being put in, I cut off Clinton's circulation in one of his arms and he had to sit down. I also scratched him up pretty badly. To make a long story shorter, the epidural made everything bearable. Twelve hours later, what felt like a tree being pulled from me was actually an angel. Parker Anne was born! She is a 7lb, 4 oz. miracle! Please enjoy the pictures of Parker's first days as a Curry. Look under C, J & Parker Anne for photos.