Monday, April 27, 2009

Parker had one of her favorite food items at dinner tonight. Usually it comes in a can, but tonight I went all out. As you can see, she was quite appreciative.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just finished celebrating the 27th Anniversary of Conch Republic Independence. Julie, Parker & I went down to Mallory Square for the "Bloody Battle" and guess what...we won again. While we were there we took in some sights while the battle for independence was taking place in Key West Harbor. As you can see the MG's made it down this year, however my was not in the show. Something about the brakes and fuel line not working. Maybe next year.
As the Conch Republic Navy engaged the U.S Coast Guard...
the Conch Republic Air Force was providing aerial support... to be followed up with the eventual surrender as the Conch Republic Army got in one last shot...

...nice shot Larry! See you next year.