Wednesday, May 23, 2007

As I said in the last update, we visited the Grandparents at Fort Lauderdale Beach and attended the Air & Sea Show. This was very exciting for all us, although Parker slept through most of it. (Kind of like Gregory at a Michael Jackson concert). Anyhow, the Thunderbirds put on a display as well as several other multi million dollar jets. I think the least expensive was around 18.7 million. The most expensive was the B2 Stealth Bomber. This was also the coolest air craft at the air show.
Gotta go, just about time to head to work. Have a good day. Remember this about the military jets in conflict, "once you hear them it is too late".

Thursday, May 17, 2007

We're back! After a little delay due to network configurations, poor reception quality and overall play. Hopefully I will be able to update regularly now. We have spent the last three weekends at Grandma Karen and Grandpa Nick's Fort Lauderdale Beach condo and as you can tell, a fair amount of time at the beach. So much in fact, Parker Anne is turning into a sand monster. Only moments later her entire face would be covered. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture. Felt it was better to get the sand off. Anyhow, I will be adding more beach photos later including ones from the Fort Lauderdale Air & Sea Show.