Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween. Tonight we went trick or treating with Jose, Crystal and Jazmin. Jazmin went as a Night Fairy and Parker Anne as a Ballerina. Nice shoes eh? As a first timer, she did pretty well. Instead of carrying a bag though, we had her carry candy in her hands. By the end of the night it was all liquid chocolate. At least it was packaged. After staying out well after bedtime we eventually made it back home just in time before a rain band from deadly Tropical Storm Noel. You can tell she was quite pooped. By the way (a shameless plug) if you like Parker Anne's costume, my sister sells them at The Dance Studio. Told you it was shameless! Good night all. Thought it cool to make this entry on Halloween. (oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A great deal has been happening lately; Disney trip, Tennessee trip, Ft Lauderdale trip, Fantasy Fest, Children's Day, A Day to Remember, Ballroom Dancing lessons, Cuzzie Jessica's Wedding and what was that other thing?????????... that's right, Parker is walking. See for yourself.

More updates are on the way, so check back soon!